Elevate Highlights
“ There has to be a way to redirect employee’s driving ambition and to channel it more productively. There is. Create heroes in every role. Make every role, performed at excellence, a respected profession.”
- Marcus Buckingham
To have everyone “perform at excellence”, the roles have to be unique/different. As a high school student, the education system does a very bad job of making every one unique 👎🏻. Talent and interests are filtered out simply by how the education system is designed.
As someone who was very academic-oriented, I never thought I would have an opportunity to meet some of the best leader’s and innovators in Toronto! To me, I always thought the process of attending events like Elevate followed a journey like this:
Post-secondary → get a job → do something cool → get your boss to like you → sends you to cool events
But, after my six days at this conference, I realized there are no limitations 📈. You don’t have to be in university, you don’t have to run a successful startup, you don’t have to have a prestigious job. You just have to be willing to learn and engage with others.
Getting to this realization takes a lot of mental effort and motivation. Part of accelerating this is to surround yourself with others that have the same drive. That want to accomplish big things. This forces you to push…